"... Olio,
la tua inesauribile pace,
la tua essenza verde,
il tuo ricolmo tesoro che discende dalle sorgenti dell’ulivo."
Ode all’Olio Pablo Neruda
"... Olio,
la tua inesauribile pace,
la tua essenza verde,
il tuo ricolmo tesoro che discende dalle sorgenti dell’ulivo."
Ode all’Olio Pablo Neruda
The olive oil production techniques arrived in Italy about 4000 years ago. The peculiarity of the Italian olive tradition is testified by the different varieties of cultivars in the area. The varietal differences affect the sensory profile and nutritional oils, as well as on technologies to enhance its characteristics.
The cultivation has been practiced since ancient times in Abruzzo:
Virgilio certifies its presence in Marsica,
Ovid documents the production in the Valle Peligna,
Cato, in his De Re Rustica, cites the oil Agro Pretuziano, Silio Italico defines the Vestina area and Penne in particular the "Pinnam Virentem" (the green) for the richness of the olive trees.
Abruzzo is one of the most interesting olive-growing areas by vocation and production quality thanks to an average production of about 260.000 tons of oil, largely extra-virgin oil that places it sixth in Italy and in other production regions of olives. It has an olive coverage of 45.000 hectares from which are produced 1.400.000 tons of olives planted with the adoption of layouts that do not have precise patterns, typical of tree crops affiliated to field crops.